
Risk of rain 2 notes
Risk of rain 2  notes

risk of rain 2 notes
  1. #Risk of rain 2 notes update
  2. #Risk of rain 2 notes skin
risk of rain 2 notes

Fixed Mini Mushrums making hitboxes that were not being cleaned up, potentially causing infinite objects in the scene.Fixed Chain Lightning and Razorwire making trail renderers that were not being cleaned up, potentially causing infinite objects in the scene.

risk of rain 2 notes

Fixed Helfire Tincture’s burning effect being offset.Fixed certain survivors not removing their limbs when picking up Paul’s Goat Hoof or the Royal Capacitor.Fixed more occlusion issues in Sundered Grove and other maps that cause objects to disappear at certain camera angles.Fixed Lunar Chimera’s death animations not matching the sound timings.Fixed certain drones not having 360° vision, causing them to attack or heal less.Fixed physics issues with Commando’s Frag Grenades.Fixed some animation issues on the Loader.Fixed korean language characters missing in certain cases.Abandoned Aqueduct now has defensive tar fully circling outside of the play area.Altered geometry slightly to make more difficult to accidentally go out of bounds on many stages.Fixed large rocks in Titanic Plains clipping into the camera.Fixed boss items spawning more frequently than intended, especially when more items drop from multiplayer or Mountain Shrine bonuses.

#Risk of rain 2 notes update

🌧 Update Captain’s Supply Drop on controllers having non-intuitive reversed controls.🌧 Add invincibility earlier into player spawning to reduce chance of dying instantly on entering a map.Allow for scripted combat encounters, like Aurelionite or Alloy Worship Unit, to spawn as elites if Artifact of Honor is enabled.🌧 Improved Sticky Bomb’s logic for sticking to enemies.🌧 Updated the Beetle Guard visuals when they spawn from a Beetle Gland to stand out more.Survivor Logs now require you to beat the game at least once with that survivor.🌧 Reduced screen shake and post-process brightness on Magma Worm.🌧 Fire trail hitboxes from Burning elites are no longer spherical and properly match the visuals.

#Risk of rain 2 notes skin

  • Update skin visuals for Huntress, MUL-T, Loader, and Artificer.
  • Update damage numbers to be more legible.
  • Update visuals for all broken drones to be easier to see.
  • Update visuals for Bustling Fungus, Soldier’s Syringe, Squid Polyps, Cautious Slug, Goat Hoof, Gesture of the Drowned, Rusted Key, and Leeching Seed to match other assets.
  • Update visuals for Chests, Large Chests, Category Chests, Barrels, and Equipment Barrels to match other assets.
  • Update visuals for Gunner Drone, Gunner Turret, Backup Drones, and Healing Drones to match other assets.
  • Remove area indicators for attacks from Beetle Guards.
  • 🌧 Added an team-colored area indicators for attacks from Mini Mushrums, Malachite Elites, Titans, Imp Overlords, Aurelionite, and Void Reavers.
  • 🌧 Added an option in settings to disable Screen Distortion, like from using Spinel Tonic, since many users reported motion sickness from the effect.
  • Various optimizations, both small and big! Let us know if the game is running better (or worse…).
  • Reduce initial map monster spawns by -24%.
  • New Lore Entry: Hidden Realm: A Moment, Whole.
  • New Lore Entry: Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time.
  • New Lore Entry: Hidden Realm: Void Fields.
  • New Lore Entry: Hidden Realm: Gilded Coast.
  • New Lore Entry: Lunar Chimera (Exploder).
  • New Lore Entry: Disposable Missile Launcher.

  • Risk of rain 2  notes